英:['trəʊfaɪ] 美: ['troʊfaɪ]
trophi 相关例句
- He has put his shirt on his team winning the trophy.
他孤注一掷,赌自己的队一定能赢得锦标。 - The winner was presented with a trophy.
The trophi of Bdelloidea (Rotifera): a comparative study across the classTrophi Morphology Relative to Food Habits in Six Species of Rotifers (Asplanchnidae)A comparative study of trophi morphology in Seisonidea (Rotifera)Preparation of rotifer trophi for light and scanning electron microscopyOn the evolution and morphology of the rotiferan trophi, with a cladistic analysis of RotiferaPrimary Consumer # 13 C and # 15 N and the Trophic Position of Aquatic Consumers PRIMARY CONSUMER S J T AND 6 '"AND THE TROPHIC POS...Macroinvertebrate-wood associations during decay of plantation pine in New Zealand pumice-bed streams: stable habitat or trophic sub...Length–weight relationships of an invasive cyprinid fish ( Carassius gibelio ) from 12 Greek lakes in relation to their trophic sta...Life History Strategies of Estuarine Nekton: The Role of Marsh Macrophytes, Benthic Microalgae, and Phytoplankton in the Trophic Spe...Characteristics and sources of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in lakes of the Yungui Plateau, China, differing in trophic sta...