英:[ˈtrʌkləʊd] 美: [ˈtrʌkloʊd]
truckload 基本解释
truckload 相关例句
Reducing Truckload Transportation Costs Through CollaborationLocal truckload pickup and delivery with hard time window constraintsReal-Time Multivehicle Truckload Pickup and Delivery ProblemsA heuristic algorithm for the truckload and less-than-truckload problemDynamic Lot Sizing with Batch Ordering and Truckload DiscountsOptimizing inbound and outbound door assignments in less-than-truckload crossdocksA Local Improvement Heuristic for the Design of Less-than-Truckload Motor Carrier NetworksMaximizing Profits for North American Van Lines' Truckload Division: A New Framework for Pricing and OperationsA Stochastic Formulation of the Dynamic Assignment Problem, with an Application to Truckload Motor CarriersA Stochastic Formulation of the Dynamic Assignment Problem, with an Application to Truckload Motor Carriers