英:['tʌlɪbi:] 美: ['tʌləˌbi]
tullibee 基本解释
tullibee 相关例句
The tullibeeUSS Tullibee (SSN-597)Tullibee (Argyrosomus Tullibee Richardson) as a Fish of Economic ImportanceTHE TRIAENOPHORUS PARASITE IN THE FLESH OF THE TULLIBEE (LEUCICHTHYS)Composition and nutritive value of meals from alewife, sheepshead, maria, and tullibee.Freshwater fish oils: yields and composition of oils from reduction of sheepshead, tullibee, maria, and alewife.Freshwater l'ish Oils: Yields and Cornposition of Oils frorn Reduction of Sheepshead, Tullibee, Maria, and Alewife'Vitamin A and D potencies of oil from body, liver and intestines of pilchard, herring, salmon and tullibee.Dérivée première verticale du champ magnétique, levé aeromagnétique Lac Wuskwatim, Manitoba, Tullibee Lake 63 O/07, ManitobaGrowth, Length-Weight Relationship and Population Fluctuations of the Tullibee, Leucichthys Artedi Tullibee (Richardson), with Refer...