英:['tʌmblˌbʌg] 美: ['tʌmbəlˌbʌg]
tumblebug 基本解释
tumblebug[ 'tʌmblbʌɡ ]
n.any of various dung beetles
tumblebug 相关例句
TumblebugTUMBLEBUGTumble BugCircumcolumnar microstructure of Tumblebug cuticle and biomimetic applicationFIBER-CONTINUOUS PILLAR-BOARD BIOCOMPOSITE STRUCTURE IN TUMBLEBUG ELYTRAStudies on groundnut tumblebug larva species and biology characteristics in Sichuan.Model and Maximal Pull-Out Force of Helicoidal Fiber Structure in the Underpinnings of Tumblebug CuticleHeterogeneous chitin fibers of Tumblebug cuticle and pullout energy of dendritic fiberBroad spectrum attractant for tumblebug perfect insectsBroad spectrum attractant for tumblebug perfect insectsDrier Conditions Won't Help Battle against Tumblebug FireN. Tom o' logical studies. The great tumble bug of Missouri, bent-on rollin his ballGrave Marker and Tumble Bug Timber Sales