英:['tju:mjʊləʊs] 美: ['tjumjəˌloʊs]
tumulose 基本解释
tumulose 相关例句
tumulose中央構造線周辺の遺跡で認められた地震跡Evidences of paleoearthquakes found out in some archaeological sites along the Median Tectonic LineMicrostructure of ZrC Coatings of TRISO Coated Particles by Codeposition of Free Carbon and Control of StoichiometryDiscovery and geological characteristics of rhyolitic vitroclastic rocks in Northern HebeihügelbesetzthügelbesetztLa mirada de los emblemas: Presencia y ausencia en los jeroglíficos del Llanto de Occidente (1666)Quando eu não estiverMENSAGENS DE ALEM-TUMULO - SERIE DE REPORTAGENS HISTORICAS SOBRE CHICO XAVIER EM 1935