tung 相关例句
tung oil桐油
tung oil tree油桐
Inflammation in AtherosclerosisHoneycomb carbon: a review of graphene.New Generation of Parton Distributions with Uncertainties from Global QCD AnalysisCyclopia and defective axial patterning in mice lacking Sonic hedgehog gene functionAbnormal phosphorylation of the microtubule-associated protein tau (tau) in Alzheimer cytoskeletal pathology.Hepatitis B e antigen and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma.Label-retaining cells reside in the bulge area of pilosebaceous unit: Implications for follicular stem cells, hair cycle, and skin c...Extensions of the TOPSIS for group decision-making under fuzzy environmentMaximum likelihood estimates of linear dynamic systemsExtensions of the TOPSIS for group decision-making under fuzzy environment