英:['tu:pələʊ] 美: ['tupəˌloʊ]
tupelo 基本解释
tupelo[ 'tju:piləu ]
n.pale soft wood of a tupelo tree especially the water gumany of several gum trees of swampy areas of North America同义词:tupelo tree
a town in northeast Mississippi
tupelo 相关例句
Inductive flood tolerance in Swamp Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica var. biflora (Walt.) Sarg.Hydrochory and Regeneration in A Bald Cypress‐Water Tupelo Swamp ForestLenticel and Water Root Development of Swamp Tupelo Under Various Flooding ConditionsSubpixel classification of Bald Cypress and Tupelo Gum trees in thematic mapper imagery.Growth and nutrient use efficiency of water tupelo seedlings in flooded and well-drained soil.Radical Redesign of Nursing Homes: Applying the Green House Concept in Tupelo, MississippiPRODUCTIVITY AND COMPOSITION OF A BALDCYPRESS¦ATER TUPELO SITE AND A BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD SITE IN A LOUISIANA SWAMPMicrosite Abundance and Distribution of Woody Seedlings in a South Carolina Cypress-Tupelo SwampSIZE DIFFERENCES, SEX RATIO, AND SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF MALE AND FEMALE WATER TUPELO, NYSSA AQUATIC A (NYSSACEAE)Effects of Aeration, Water Supply, and Nitrogen Source on Growth and Development of Tupelo Gum and Bald Cypress