英:[tɜ:'bɪdlɪ] 美: [tɜ'bɪdlɪ]
turbidly 基本解释
turbidly 相关例句
Water and sanitation become human rights, albeit turbidlySurface water resources quality at watersheds of the Alto Rio Grande region, MG StateFLUID EMULSION PURIFICATION PROCESSES USING MICROPOROUS MATERIALS HAVING FILTRATION AND ADSORPTION PROPERTIESApplications of Raman Spectroscopy as an Non-Invasive Method in Pharmaceutical AnalysisApplications of Raman Spectroscopy as an Non-Invasive Method in Pharmaceutical AnalysisOccurrence of catastrophic landslides in the Wenchuan 8.0 earthquake zoneCharacterization of the major antimicrobial components of the Chilean tinamou (Nothoprocta perdicaria) egg whiteLate Late Boost for Cortex ProtestersThe Effects of Water Turbidity and Stream Velocity On Fish Feeding BehaviorARTS: CLASSICAL ARDITTI STRING QUARTET / ADES Queen Elizabeth Hall London Oo999