英:['tɜ:bɪnl] 美: ['təbənəl]
turbinal 基本解释
n.any of the scrolled spongy bones of the nasal passages in man and other vertebrates同义词:turbinate boneturbinate
turbinal 相关例句
turbinalSubmucous resection of the inferior turbinal bone † ‡Surgical anatomy of the turbinal wall of the ethmoidal labyrinthRespiratory and olfactory turbinal size in canid and arctoid carnivoransVOLTAIC TURBINAL PUNCTURE FOR THE RELIEF OF INTUMESCENT AND HYPERTROPHIC RHINITIS.Fibromyoma of posterior end of inferior turbinalDevelopment of the ethmoid in Caluromys philander (Didelphidae, Marsupialia) with a discussion on the homology of the turbinal eleme...Improvement of the nasal ventilation function of chronic rhinitis patien ts treated by plastic operation of inferior turbinal and fr...Comparative Anatomy and Systematic Implications of the Turbinal Skeleton in Lagomorpha (Mammalia)Headache Relieved by Removal of a Portion of Middle Turbinal Body.