英:['tʌsh] 美: ['tʌsh]
tusseh 基本解释
n.oriental moth that produces brownish silk同义词:tussahtussurtussoretusserAntheraea mylitta
tusseh 相关例句
Account of the Tusseh and Arrindy Silk-Worms of BengalIII. Account of the Tusseh and Arrindy Silk‐Worms of Bengal.SYNTHESIS OF A MATERIAL WITH JUVENILE HORMONE ACTIVITYCATALYTIC LAYERS ON THE COMPOSITES OF POLYMERS, CARBON NANOTUBES AND ADSORBED PLATINUM PARTICLESKaristusseadustiku § 121 peale karistusõiguse revisjoniInimkaubanduse regulatsioon Eesti karistusseadustikus: vastavus siseriiklikule ja rahvusvahelisele õiguseleObject oriented analysis Multidisciplinary optimization method and its application to shape design of TussesReproductive success: studies of individual variation in contrasting breeding systems.Inhibition ofIn VitroHuman LDL Oxidation by Phenolic Antioxidants from Grapes and WinesSpin correlations in production and decay of charginos