twire 相关例句
Development of cryocooler-cooled solenoid magnet fabricated with Bi-2212 ROSA TwireTWIRE: A test program for VLF airborne transmissionsINVESTIGATION OF SOME PROPERTIES OF MULTTWIRE PROPORTIONAL CHAMBERSINVESTIGATION OF SOME PROPERTIES OF MULTTWIRE PROPORTIONAL CHAMBERSWhen you can't wire coronary!In-Line Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon-based CoatingsBeantwoording Kamervragen over uitzending op AzTV over alternatief songfestivalWire-guided selective cannulation of the bile duct with a sphincterotome: a prospective randomized comparative study with the standa...The dynamic response of a hot-wire anemometer: III. Voltage-perturbation versus velocity-perturbation testing for near-wall hot-wire...A murine model of arterial restenosis: technical aspects of femoral wire injury.