twists and turns 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The road is full of twists and turns.
道路迂回曲折。 - You swim into the dark twists and turns of her interior.
Twists and turnsTwists and TurnsTwists and TurnsThe mammalian target of rapamycin signaling pathway: twists and turns in the road to cancer therapy.Integrin structure: new twists and turns in dynamic cell adhesionThe Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources, DISS 3.1.1: new twists and turnsTwists and turns: Studies of the complexes and properties of bimetallic complexes featuring phenylene ethynylene and related bridgin...Targeting the Notch pathway: twists and turns on the road to rational therapeuticsTesticular torsion: twists and turns.Twists and turns in the development and maintenance of the mammalian small intestine epitheliumDevelopment and morphogenesis of the Wolffian/epididymal duct, more twists and turnsUnravelling the twists and turns of the serpinopathies.Testicular torsion: twists and turns.