tyloses 相关例句
seclerosed tyloses硬化侵填体
Tylosesare oftenfoundininjuredtissue,olderwood,andbelowanabscission layer , and cancompletelyblocktheconducting vessel.
TylosesTyloses and the Maintenance of TranspirationFine structure of Tyloses in three species of the MyrtaceaeSuberized tyloses in trees: An ultrastructural and cytochemical studyThe Development of Tyloses and Secretion of Gum in·Heartwood FormationThe Occurrence and Morphology of Tyloses and Gums in the Vessels of Japanese HardwoodsContributions of tyloses and terpenoid aldehyde phytoalexins to Verticillium wilt resistance in cottonContribution of tyloses and terpenoid aldehyde phytoalexins to Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton. Physiol Plant PatholPhytoalexins and tyloses in tomato cultivars infected with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici or Verticillium albo-atrum.Tyloses and Phenolic Deposits in Xylem Vessels Impede Water Transport in Low-Lignin Transgenic Poplars: A Study by Cryo-Fluorescence...