英:[ˈu:dinei] 美: [ˈudiˌne]
udine 基本解释
udine 相关例句
- Henry and his three comrades struck out on foot for Udine.
亨利和他的三个战友出发步行前往乌迪内。 - Within sight of Udine, one of Henry's group was killed by an Italian sniper.
Risk factors for fatal road traffic accidents in Udine, Italy.Check-list of the spontaneous vascular flora of Udine (NE Italy)Turnover of cyclin E by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is regulated by cdk2 binding and cyclin phosphorylation.Developmental plasticity and human healthChromosomal subunits in active genes have an altered conformation.Cyclin E-CDK2 is a regulator of p27Kip1Amplification of endogenous myc-related DNA sequences in a human myeloid leukaemia cell line.Controlling the double helix. NatureControl of c- myc Regulation in Normal and Neoplastic CellsPositive Selection of Primate TRIM5α Identifies a Critical Species-Specific Retroviral Restriction Domain