ult 基本解释
abbr.ultimo 上月的;
adj.in or of the month preceding the present one"your letter received on the 29th ult"
ult 相关例句
American College of Chest Physicians/La Societe de Reanimation de Langue Francaise Statement on Competence in Critical Care Ultrason...
Role of the human Y box-binding protein YB-1 in cellular sensitivity to the DNA-damaging agents cisplatin, mitomycin C, and ultravio...
The clinical course of distal deep venous thrombosis after total hip and total knee arthroplasty, as determined with duplex ultrason...
Determinants and correlates of target lesion calcium in coronary artery disease: a clinical, angiographic and intravascular ultrasou...
Noninvasive quantitative tissue characterization and two-dimensional color-coded map of human atherosclerotic lesions using ultrasou...
The Role of the Nervous System in Neuromuscular Fatigue Induced by Ult...
ToF-SIMS analysis of poly(l-lysine)-graft-poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) ultrathi...
Impact of sleep debt on metabolic and endocrine function
Uncoupling protein-2: a novel gene linked to obesity and hyperinsulinemia.
Relation between dicrotic notch and mean pulmonary artery pressure studied by using a Swan-Ganz catheter in critically ill patients.