ultisol 相关例句
Biochars Impact on Soil-Moisture Storage in an Ultisol and Two AridisolsCorrecting soil acidity of a highly weathered Ultisol with chicken manure and sewage sludgeComparison of the ameliorating effects on an acidic ultisol between four crop straws and their biochars.Long-term changes in organic carbon and nutrients of an Ultisol under rice cropping in southeast ChinaDistributions of zinc, copper, cadmium and lead in a tropical ultisol after long-term disposal of sewage sludgeCO₂ emission in a subtropical red paddy soil (Ultisol) as affected by straw and N-fertilizer applications: A case study in Southern...Early effects of tillage and crop rotation on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal propagules in an UltisolThe amelioration effects of low temperature biochar generated from nine crop residues on an acidic Ultisol.Effects of tillage systems on soil characteristics, glomalin and mycorrhizal propagules in a Chilean UltisolImmobilization of Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) by the addition of rice straw derived biochar to a simulated polluted Ultisol