英:['ʌn'blʌdɪd] 美: [ʌn'blʌdɪd]
unblooded 基本解释
unblooded 相关例句
The unblooded author [Paper in: Staying Alive. Schultz, Julianne (ed.).]The Unblooded AuthorThe Sketch: Unblooded and Unbowed, Labours Deputy Survives a Bullfight ; ParliamentKaeng Khoi virus from naturally infected bedbugs (cimicidae) and immature free-tailed bats.Vespasian: Tribune of RomeTribune of Rome그루지아와 우크라이나 시민혁명과 헤게모니 충돌 비교129例绝经后子宫内膜癌临床分析Life on the front linesMosquito Flight Paths in Relation to the Environment. Influence of Blood Meals, Ovarian Stage and Parity 2 | Annals of the Entomolo...