underacting 相关例句
- He underacted the title-role to considerableeffect.
Direct Surgery of Underacting Oblique Muscles.Response of coexisting underacting superior oblique and overacting inferior oblique muscles to inferior oblique weakeningAN EVALUATION OF UNDERACTING INFERIOR OBLIQUE MUSCLES.Vertical diplopia after cataract surgery, overacting, and/or underacting extraocular muscleUnderacting inferior oblique muscle following myectomy or recession for unilateral inferior oblique overactionAN EVALUATION OF UNDERACTING INFERIOR OBLIQUE MUSCLES.Uniting global and local controllers under acting disturbances ☆Uniting global and local controllers under acting disturbancesThe Mechanism of Enhanced Curving Performance of Unsymmetric Suspension Trucks under Acting Traction/Brake TorqueMechanical Behavior of Segmented Lining Structure of Tunnel under Acting Ground Fractures in Xiâan Zone