underwriters 基本解释
n.保险业者,保险公司( underwriter的名词复数 );
n.a banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities同义词:investment banker
an agent who sells insurance同义词:insurance brokerinsurance agentgeneral agent
a financial institution that sells insurance同义词:insurance companyinsurance firminsurerinsurance underwriter
underwriters 相关例句
lead underwriter主承销商;主要包销商
Why do firms switch underwriters?
Why do "rms switch underwriters?ଝ
Stabilization Activities by Underwriters after IPOs
Wanna Dance? How Firms and Underwriters Choose Each Other
Why Do IPO Underwriters Allocate Extra Shares When They Expect to Buy Them Back?
Commercial banks as underwriters: implications for the going public process
Stabilization Activities by Underwriters after Initial Public Offerings
Performance of Malaysian IPOs: Underwriters reputation and management earnings forecasts
Information Externalities and the Role of Underwriters in Primary Equity Markets ☆
The indirect economic penalties in SEC investigations of underwriters