英:['ʌngjʊlə] 美: ['ʌŋgjələ]
ungula 相关例句
Ex ungula cervam : Sebastian Brant und die NoerdlingerPARA UNGULA SOFT TISSUE EXCISION FOR IN GROWING TOE NAIL-A NOVEL METHOD FOR SIMPLE SURGICAL CUREUnderstanding linguloid brachiopods: Obolus and Ungula as examplesKinetic energy, impact-separated, follow-through ungula penetratorNitella ignescens sp. nov. and N. ungula sp. nov. (Charales, Charophyta) from AustraliaThe Middle Eocene Belosaepia ungula (Cephalopoda: Coleoida) from Texas: Structure, Ontogeny and FunctionSphaerularia ungula-cauda sp. nov. (Nematoda: Allantonematidae) from the Douglas Fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopk., with k...Phosphatized organic nanostructures in the Cambrian linguloid brachiopod Ungula inornata (Mickwitz)USO DE AGUAJES POR EL PRINCIPAL UNGULADO CINEGÉTICO EN BAJA CALIFORNIA, MÉXICO USE OF WATER CURRENTS BY THE MAIN CYNEGETIC UNGULAT...Woody species composition in an African savanna: determined by centuries of termite activity but modulated by 50 years of ungulate ...