union jack
英:[ˈju:njən dʒæk] 美: [ˈjunjən dʒæk]
union jack 基本解释
union jack
n.national flag of the United Kingdom同义词:Union flag
union jack 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Britain's Union Flag records in its name and fusion of three different emblems the growth of one kingdom out of the successive union of three crowns.
大不列颠联合王国国旗的名称及三种不同标志记录着一个王国从三个王权到成功联合的发展过程。 - From the flagpole a vast Union Jack would be flying.Dark-jacketed waiters offered the visitors drinks and tiny wafer-thin sandwiches from silver trays.
此时,巨大的英国国旗必定在旗杆上迎风飘扬,而身着深色夹克的侍者会不时用银盘为客人们送上酒水和薄薄的三明治。 - It was a solemn, stately and emotional moment, as the Union Jack was lowered and the Chinese flag raised at midnight on June 30.
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