unlined 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- It's getting hot, you should put on unlined trousers.
Stability of unlined twin tunnels in undrained clayBehaviour of lined and unlined tunnels in sandSemiconductor devices with sealed, unlined trenches and methods of forming same2D dynamic response of unlined and lined tunnels in poroelastic soil to harmonic body wavesAntiplane Diffraction from Canyon above Subsurface Unlined TunnelSoil contamination by heavy metals: Measurements from a closed unlined landfillAssessment and analysis of industrial liquid waste and sludge disposal at unlined landfill sites in arid climateMeshfree particle simulation of the detonation process for high explosives in shaped charge unlined cavity configurationsRedox-driven changes in porewater chemistry in the unsaturated zone of the chalk aquifer beneath unlined cattle slurry lagoonsGround water maintenance and leakage control during construction of unlined rock caverns for pressurized gas storage, Mongstad: Nerm...