英:[ʌn'sɪstəlɪ] 美: [ʌn'sɪstəlɪ]
unsisterly 基本解释
unsisterly 相关例句
Unsisterly conduct: a sorority's attempt at a makeover backfires
Amanda's unsisterly glee makes for very unpleasant viewing
Unsisterly sentiments : aggression, ambivalence and sex among women /
The Pensioner: Unsisterly Radio Confrontation That Still Gives Me the Flutters
Sisterly conduct: Do feminists need guidelines for ethical behavior with one another?
Bibi Always Despised Mistresses - Then She Became One. So What Does She Have to Say for Herself Now? What Made Me Go against All My ...
What is a Woman?: And Other Essays (review)
Fairy Godmothers or Wicked Stepmothers?: The Uneasy Relationship of Feminist Theory and Children's Criticism
Classical Myth in Richardson's Clarissa: Ovid Revised