英:[ʌn'wi:nd] 美: [ʌn'wind]
unweaned 基本解释
adj.not weaned"some children remain unweaned until their second or third birthdays"
unweaned 相关例句
Clinical pharmacology of cefixime in unweaned calves.
Meat and fat quality of unweaned lambs as affected by slaughter weight and breed.
Potential pathogens in feces from unweaned llamas and alpacas with diarrhea
Interactions between Males and Unweaned Barbary Macaques: Testing the Agonistic Buffering Hypothesis
Propagation of strains of foot-and-mouth disease virus in unweaned white mice
Detection of EHV-1 and EHV-4 DNA in unweaned Thoroughbred foals from vaccinated mares on a large stud farm
Villus height and crypt depth in weaned and unweaned pigs, reared under various circumstances in The Netherlands
Nutritional characteristics of veal from weaned and unweaned calves: Discriminatory ability of the fat profile
A comparison of the ecology of Escherichia coli in the intestine of healthy unweaned pigs and pigs after weaning
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interferon-gamma inhibit insulin secretion and cause DNA damage in unweaned-rat islets. Extent of ni...