upwardly mobile 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- However, when its popularity fades and the digg rate decreases, it is relegated to a more obscure part of the site and replaced by a new, upwardly mobile piece.
Upwardly mobileUPWARDLY MOBILEUpwardly mobile.Upwardly mobile proteins: Workshop: The role of HMG proteins in chromatin structure, gene expression and neoplasiaUpwardly mobile proteinsCharacteristics of Career Planners in Upwardly Mobile OccupationsFactors Related to Stability in Upwardly Mobile Black FamiliesThe alchemy of the upwardly mobile: Symbolic capital and the stylization of elites in frequent-flyer programsCreaky Voice: A New Feminine Voice Quality for Young Urban-Oriented Upwardly- Mobile American Women?Cultural omnivores or culturally homeless ? Exploring the shifting cultural identities of the upwardly mobileExceptions to the Rule: Upwardly Mobile White and Mexican American High School GirlsThe Chinese: upwardly mobileUpwardly Mobile; There Is a Way to Make a Profit from Property without Moving - Build on the Roof,