Uranian 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- The task of consciousness is to figure out how to allow these Uranian illuminations to inspire new ideas about facilitating transformation without causing additional harm.
Towards a theory for the uranian ringsTowards a theory for the uranian ringsThe Uranian satellites: Surface compositions and opposition brightness surgesThe Uranian bow shock: Voyager 2 inbound observations of a high Mach number shockWhistler mode emissions in the Uranian radiation beltsSurvey of electrons in the Uranian magnetosphere: Voyager 2 observationsDynamics of the Uranian and Saturnian satelite systems: A chaotic route to melting Miranda? ☆The hot plasma and radiation environment of the Uranian magnetosphereSolid hydrocarbon aerosols produced in simulated Uranian and Neptunian stratospheresLight hydrocarbons from plasma discharge in H2-He-CH4: first results and Uranian auroral chemistry.