英:['ju:zəns] 美: ['juzəns]
usance 基本解释
usance[ 'ju:zəns ]
n.the period of time permitted by commercial usage for the payment of a bill of exchange (especially a foreign bill of exchange)(economics) the utilization of economic goods to satisfy needs or in manufacturing同义词:consumptioneconomic consumptionuseuse of goods and services
accepted or habitual practice同义词:customusage
usance 相关例句
usance draft远期汇票
usanceBuyer's UsanceTRANSAKSI USANCE YANG TERJADI PADA L/C IMPORTOn Commercial Bank' Financing by Buyer's Usance CreditRUNAWAY USANCE: LIMITING THE EXERCISE OF THE FUGITIVE DISENTITLEMENT DOCTRINE IN THE CONTEXT OF WENQIN SUN V. MUKASEY AND BRIGHT V...THE ROLE OF ACCEPTANCE IN EXPEDITING EXPORT PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS USING USANCE DOCUMENTARY CREDITDas Verhältnis von Handelsgewohnheitsrecht zu Gesetz und Verkehrssitte (Usance) im 19./20. JahrhundertAn Investigation of corporate entrepreneurship theories and their pragmatic usance into Price water house Coopers.Analyzing Report of Acceptance in Import Transaction Using Usance L/C Based on SAK (Standar Akuntansi Keuangan) in the Financial Sta...La pratique de la crémation en Syrie : un usage marginal ? = The Practice of Cramation in Syria: A Marginal Usance?