USB 相关例句
usb port通用串行总线接口;通用序列连接埠
usb cableUSB连接线;USB接口线
usb drive随身碟;U(优)盘
usb hubUSB集线器;通用串行总线集线器
usb flash diskU盘;闪存盘;闪存
usb controllerUSB控制器;通用串行总线控制器
USB communication system based on LabVIEW and C51EZ-USB FX系列单片机——USB外围设备设计与应用USB-Based Engraving Machine Applications and Practice in LaboratoryFPGA-bascd Study on LIN_USB Protocol ConversionCY7C68013 EZ-USB FX2 ™ USB Microcontroller High-speed USB Peripheral ControllerKim Jong Un received a USB from South Korea's president with a blueprint for connecting North Korea with the worldOn the blowing up of solutions of the Cauchy problem for $usb{t}=Delta u+usp{1+alpha }$.Designing and Realizing of Universal Weapons Simulation System Based on USB BusUse of the upflow sludge blanket (USB) reactor concept for biological wastewater treatment, especially for anaerobic treatmentWLAN COMBO ACCESS POINT DEVICE FOR INTERFACE WITH WIMEDIA UWB BASED WIRELESS USB AND SOFTWARE LAYER STRUCTURE OF COMBO ACCESS POINT ...