Utes 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Eventually, he became friends with several members of the Ute Tribe in the Roosevelt, Utah, area.
Review of development from GSHP to UTES in China and other countriesCell-Utes and Flutter-Tongued Cats: Sound Morphing...PROSPECTS OF SNOW MELTING SYSTEMS (SMS) USING UNDERGROUND THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE (UTES) IN JAPANBreak dancing and breaking out: Anglos, Utes, Navajos in a border reservation high school.NORTH AMERICA: Southern Paiute, a Shoshonean Language. Texts of the Kaibab Paiutes and Uintah Utes. Southern Paiute Dictionary. Edwa...Texts of the Kaibab Paiutes and Uintah UtesProspects and Potentialities of Snow melting system (SMS) using Underground thermal energy storage (UTES) in JapanHeating and Cooling with UTES in Sweden-Current Situation and Potential Market DevelopmentMagnetic and Transport Properties in Ferromagnet UTeSEthnography of the Northern utes