VAE 基本解释
abbr.vinyl-acetate ethylene 醋酸乙烯;
VAE 相关例句
Application and development of VAE emulsion adhesivesMarco Simón, Francisco; Pina Polo, Francisco; Remesal Rodríguez, José (eds.). Vae victis! Perdedores en el mundo antiguo. Barcelo...Vae, Puto Deus Fio - L. Cerfaux, J. Tondriau: Le culte des souverains dans la civilisation gréco-romaineModifying plants by genetic engineering to combat or control insectsTransgenic plants protected from insect attackVaeck, M. et al. Transgenic plants protected from insect attack. Nature 327, 239-247Class VI intermediate filament protein nestin is induced during activation of rat hepatic stellate cellsCrushing the delay: Tools for fractional delay filter designMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MEDICAL PROCEDURES USING HIGH-INTENSITY FOCUSED ULTRASOUNDApidaecins: antibacterial peptides from honeybees