瓦尔强壮的,Valentine的昵称拉丁语中性Val Henry Gielgud 瓦尔•亨利•吉尔古德: (1900~1981),英国演员、导演和作家。 Val Edward Kilmer 瓦尔•爱德华•基尔默: (1959~),美国演员,曾出演《盗火线》、《永远的蝙蝠侠》、《圣徒》、《亚历山大》等影片。
VAL may stand for:
val 相关例句
Hello? This is Val. I am calling from Hilton. 喂?我是瓦尔。我是在希尔顿给你打电话。
Jan moved on into educational publishing but Val followed her bent and remained in teaching until she retired. 简转入了教育出版界,可是瓦尔遵从自己的爱好,留下从事教学,直至退休。
(Val-HeFT Trial) A randomized trial of the angiotensin-receptor blocker valsartan in chronic heart failure.Baseline demographics of the Valsartan Heart Failure Trial. Val-HeFT Investigators.A RANDOMIZED TRIAL OF THE ANGIOTENSIN-RECEPTOR BLOCKER VALSARTAN IN CHRONIC HEART FAILURE (Val-HeFT)Xenopus laevis skin Arg-Xaa-Val-Arg-Gly-endoprotease. A highly specific protease cleaving after a single arginine of a consensus seq...Short hairpin type of dsRNAs that are controlled by tRNA(Val) promoter significantly induce RNAi-mediated gene silencing in the cyto...Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: III. How to Use an Article About a Diagnostic Test A. Are the Results of the Study Valid?Magnetic resonance imaging-based assessment of cartilage loss in severe osteoarthritis: accuracy, precision, and diagnostic value.Nuclear volume control by nucleoskeletal DNA, selection for cell volume and cell growth rate, and the solution of the DNA C-value pa...Quantitative Measurement of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Metabolism in Man Using : Theory, Procedure, and Normal Values15...Campana, S. E. Accuracy, precision and quality control in age determination, including a review of the use and abuse of age validati...