valances 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- She stooped and lifted the valance.
她弯下身撩起床沿的挂布。 - This valance is made from pink silk material.
ValancesCeiling tile VALANCESCornices, valances and lambrequinsMaking shaped & cascade valancesTraditions in Russian bed valancesThe associative valances of the Szondi picturesMOLYBDENUM 6 valances for oxidation-reduction reactionsThe Valances of the Internal Audit in Relationship with the Internal Control – Corporate Governance ☆The Complete Photo Guide to Window Top Treatments: Do-It-Yourself Valances, Swags, And CornicesThe Complete Photo Guide to Window Treatments: Do-It- Yourself Draperies, Curtains, Valances, Swags, And Shades