Valders 基本解释
释义[地名] [美国] 沃尔德斯;
Valders 相关例句
Paleobiology of the Sand Beneath the Valders Diamicton at Valders, Wisconsin ☆Late- and postglacial vegetational history in Wisconsin, particularly changes associated with the Valders readvanceTerminology of Post-Valders TimeValders Drift in MinnesotaValders-Two Creeks, Wisconsin, revisited: The Valders Till is most likely post-TwocreekanThe Cary-Mankato-Valders ProblemPre-Twocreekan age of the type Valders till, Wisconsin: CommentThe petrology of the Cary and Valders tills of Northeastern Wisconsin /Skjøtselsplan for gnr./bnr. 127/1 Valderås, naturbeitemark. Melhus kommune, Sør-Trøndelag fylkeUnites States ex rel. Valders Stone & Marble v. C-Way Constr. Co. United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, 3 August 1990 909...