英:[və'raɪələ(r)] 美: [və'raɪələ]
variolar 基本解释
adj.relating to small pox同义词:variolicvariolous
variolar 相关例句
Impact of Euschistus servus and E. variolar ius (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) Feeding on Early Growth Stages of Corn[Variolar virus in cell cultures]Post-variolar osteomyelitis: A radiological studyElectron microscopic diagnosis of variolar diseases of lives tock[Results of repeated revaccination with variolar vaccine of people with a history of smallpox][Etiology of an outbreak of variolar disease among cattle and workers of a cattle-breeding farm]METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF PELLETIZED EMBRYONIC VARIOLAR LIVING VACCINEEFFICACY OF ANTIVARIOLAR VACCINATION IN THE PHILIPPINES DURING 1921 AND 1922[Letter: Lepromatous leprosy. Unknown contra-indication of antivariolar vaccination][Summary review of antivariolar vaccinal immunity and its aspect in the young Tunisian child]