英:['vestɪbjʊləm] 美: ['vestɪbjʊləm]
vestibulum 基本解释
vestibulum 相关例句
NASAL VESTIBULUM DILATING PROSTHESISPlastic surgery of the vestibulum in periodontal therapy[Glomangioma or glomus tumor of the nasal vestibulum]The nasal vestibulum is the optimal sampling site for MRSA screening in hospitalised horsesSurvey of the vestibulum, and behavior of Xenopus laevis larvae developed during a 7-days space flightPresence of eupyrene spermatozoa in vestibulum accelerates oviposition in the silkworm moth, Bombyx moriRecognition of a fetal subdiaphragmatic venous vestibulum essential for fetal venous Doppler assessmentThe function of the vestibulum in nests of a solitary stem-nesting bee, Osmia rufa (L.) [nest architecture, avoidance of parasitism]Oval window transport of Gd-dOTA from rat middle ear to vestibulum and scala vestibuli visualized by in vivo magnetic resonance imag...Expression of Fos-protein activated by tactile stimulation on the laryngeal vestibulum in the cat's lower brain stem