英:[ˈvɪskəs] 美: [ˈvɪskəs]
viscous 基本解释
viscous[ 'viskəs ]
adj.having a relatively high resistance to flow同义词:syrupy
having the sticky properties of an adhesive同义词:glueyglutinousgummymucilaginouspastystickyviscid
viscous 相关例句
viscous oil粘性油;稠油区
viscous flow粘性流;滞流
viscous fluid粘性流体
viscous liquid粘性液体,粘滞流体;黏滞液体,黏性液
viscous damping粘滞阻尼
viscous damper黏性减振器,黏性阻尼器;粘性阻尼器
viscous force粘性力;粘力
viscous friction粘性摩擦;粘滞摩擦
viscous dissipation粘性耗散;粘滞耗散;粘滞扩散
viscous resistance粘性阻力;粘滞阻力
用作形容词(adj.)- The monomer, or base epoxy, is a light amber fluid which is usually quite viscous.
An Elastic Viscous Plastic Model for Sea Ice DynamicsViscous liquids and glass transitions: the linear response regimeViscous Liquids and the Glass Transition: A Potential Energy Barrier PictureRelativistic viscous hydrodynamics, conformal invariance, and holographyViscous Liquids and the Glass Transition. II. Secondary Relaxations in Glasses of Rigid MoleculesA front-tracking method for viscous, incompressible, multi-fluid flowsA front-tracking method for viscous, incompressible, multi-fluid flowsNumerical Calculation of Time〥ependent Viscous Incompressible Flow of Fluid with Free SurfaceThe Mathematical Theory of Viscous Incompressible Flow. By Ladyzhenskaya O.A. . Revised 2nd edition (translated from the Russian...The Step-Mountain Eta Coordinate Model: Further Developments of the Convection, Viscous Sublayer, and Turbulence Closure Schemes