vivaciousness 相关例句
Theignoranceofthevivaciousness of students inthecurrent Chinesebasiccurriculum has factually defied the valueoftruism.
Thevivaciousness and the promptitude are appreciated,action with the fire ofpassionwouldbeadored. As Goethe said: "Responsibility is an action of sufferance and meticulousness ;"
The Role of the Orientation of the Intelligent School's Teachers' Curriculums on Educational Vivaciousness of StudentsEVALUATION OF ECONOMIC VIVACIOUSNESS CRITERIA IN HISTORIC BAZAARS OF IRAN: DEVELOPING A RECREATION POINT OF VIEW: THE CASE OF QAZVIN...Scaling VivaciousnessA Balanced Diet; The NSO, Mixing Virtuosity and VivaciousnessThe Hiddenness of the WorldVivacious Flirt | I Am a FlirtBehavioral profiles of feline breeds in JapanCreating a Healthy OrganizationFront Matter : Il Marmo Spirante Sculpture and Experience in Seventeenth-Century RomeIl Marmo spirante