vizors 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- He pulled the visor of his cap down a little.
Actuating device for the vizors of helmets or similar headgearsLetters of Recommendation and False Vizors: Physiognomy in the Novels of Henry FieldingMATERIALS SUITABLE FOR CLOTHING AIRCRAFT FIRE CRASH RESCUE WORKERS PART IV: VIZORSTelevizors veikalā. Pēc 75 gadiemBorovkova mājās fonā skan televizorsPercepce pozitiv a bariér supervize z pohledu dobrovolníků a supervizorů s důrazem na psychodynamickou perspektivuEffect of patient socioeconomic status on access to early-phase cancer trials.Spin-valve effect in S/F/F and F/S/F structures of atomic thicknessRazvoj supervizorja s poudarkom na začetni stopnji razvoja : magistrsko deloIdentification of cardiac malformations in mice lacking Ptdsr using a novel high-throughput magnetic resonance imaging technique