voicer 相关例句
VOICER X mars Mixtape北京特展
Voicer in mobile platform to facilitate communication for the disabledVoicer in mobile platform to facilitate communication for the disabledReview of Voicer care in the medical setting / D. L. Koschkee & L. RammageAspec and voicer in the nominal forms of the verb: romanian supine vs. romance infinitiveThe voicer/nonvoicer distinction [microform] : a dimension in the experience of conscious thought /Adapting the ‘Great Voicer of Truth’: Shakespearean Liminality in the Romantic Moral RomanceOrgan reed and air column regenerative relations: Tools of the voicer's trade"Examining Voice Outcomes: How Speaking Up Impacts the Voicer, Peers, and the Organization"Employee Voice and Recipients' Appraisals/Reactions: The Effects Of Speech Style, Voice Type, and Voicer StatusUse of objective and subjective methods for evaluation of flue organ pipe sounds : an interdisciplinary study of the voicer's techni...