Voith 相关例句
- Voith Group leads the manufacturing industry Germany by generating a sales turnover of 5.1 billion Eurodollar in the fiscal year.
Safety, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics of BAY 59-7939--an oral, direct Factor Xa inhibitor--after multiple dosing in healthy...Oligosaccharides of Hyaluronan activate dendritic cells via toll-like receptor 4CD40 is functionally expressed on human keratinocytesPopulation model of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of rivaroxaban--an oral, direct factor xa inhibitor--in healthy subjec...The dihydroxyacetone unit--a versatile C(3) building block in organic synthesisChanging Capitalization of CBD-Oriented Transportation Systems: Evidence from Philadelphia, 1970–1988Influence of male and female petters on plasma cortisol and behaviour: can human interaction reduce the stress of dogs in a public a...The Dihydroxyacetone Unit - A Versatile C3 Building Block in Organic Synthesis (p 1304-1325)Effects of Urban Rail Transit Expansions: Evidence from Sixteen Cities, 1970-2000 [with Comment]Behavior and cortisol levels of dogs in a public animal shelter, and an exploration of the ability of these measures to predict prob...