Voltaire 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Voltaire was a famous French satirist.
伏尔泰是法国一位著名的讽刺作家。 - Voltaire used the earthquake to attack deistic optimism.
Inconmesurable VoltaireVoltaire and the Triumph of the EnlightenmentStudies on Voltaire and the eighteenth centuryStudies on Voltaire and the eighteenth centuryVoltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the WestVoltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship Of Reason In The WestResearch on Vocabulary Instruction: Voltaire ReduxThe varieties of history : from Voltaire to the presentUnderstanding Dali's Slave market with the disappearing bust of Voltaire: a case study in the scale information driving perceptionThe Cosmopolitan Ideal in Enlightenment Thought: Its Form and Function in the Ideas of Franklin, Hume, and Voltaire, 1694-1790 (revi...