waddler 相关例句
Gorloc Waddler游荡鳄鱼人
TRPML3 and hearing loss in the varitint-waddler mouseThe varitint-waddler mouse phenotypes and the TRPML3 ion channel mutation: cause and consequencemdfw: a deafness susceptibility locus that interacts with deaf waddler (dfw).Gain-of-function mutation in TRPML3 causes the mouse Varitint-Waddler phenotypeGenetic analyses of the mouse deafness mutations varitint-waddler (Va) and jerker (Espnje)The anomalies oe the labyrinth of the mutants varitint-waddler, shaker-2 and jerker in the mouseTwo new mutations in linkage group XVI of the house mouse. Flaky tail and varitint-waddler-JMutations in Mcoln3 Associated with Deafness and Pigmentation Defects in Varitint-Waddler (Va) MiceHearing loss associated with the modifier of deaf waddler (mdfw) locus corresponds with age-related hearing loss in 12 inbred strain...Nagata, K. et al. The varitint-waddler (Va) deafness mutation in TRPML3 generates constitutive, inward rectifying currents and cause...