wake...up 相关例句
Wake UpEffects of immigration on women's education. “Here they wake you up to a different way of thinking”A -76dBm 7.4nW Wakeup Radio with Automatic Offset Compensation5.8 A 4.7nW 13.8ppm/??C self-biased wakeup timer using a switched-resistor scheme1. Think You Can Ignore Context? Hubble's Flawed Mirror Might Wake You UpReply to Brush et al. A wakeup call to crop scienceBEAUTY INDUSTRY GETS A WAKEUP CALL AS EMERGING MARKETS SLOW.Periodic system wakeup to update statePilot. Necrophobia [Wake Me Up on Monday]Hartford, Conn., Treasurer: Rating Jolts are Wakeup Calls