walk along
英:[wɔ:k əˈlɔŋ] 美: [wɔk əˈlɔŋ]
walk along 相关例句
- On the way back home, I was out of gasoline on a lonely road far from a town. I had to walk along the high way and suddenly I happened on a big house near the road.
在回家的路上,我的车行驶到远离城镇的偏僻处,汽油用完了。我不得不沿公路走着,突然发现离路不远有座大房子。 - As I walk along the road, I muse on what I shall say.
我沿著大路一边走一边想著该说些什麽。 - I like to walk along the seashore.
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