warmouths 基本解释
n.[美国英语]【鱼类】大口突鳃太阳鱼(Chaenobryttus gulosus);战口鱼(产于美国东部和密西西比河流域)变形:n.warmouth.warmouths
The warmouth, warmouth sunfish, or warmouth bass is the common name for Lepomis gulosus, a large sunfish found throughout the eastern United States. Other local names include molly, redeye, goggle-eye, red-eyed bream, stump knocker, and strawberry perch.以上来源于:Wikipedia
warmouths 相关例句
Habitat Suitability Index Models and Instream Flow Suitability Curves: WarmouthDigestion Rate and Food Consumption of Florida Gar, Warmouth, and Largemouth BassParasite Community Structure of Largemouth Bass, Warmouth, and Bluegill in Lake Fort Smith, ArkansasEcological Life History of the Warmouth (Centrarchidae)Taylor & Francis Online :: Parasite Community Structure of Largemouth Bass, Warmouth, and Bluegill in Lake Fort Smith, Arkansas - Tr...Studies on parasites of Reelfoot Lake fish. II. Parasites of the warmouth bass, Chaenobryttus gulosus (Cuvier and Valenciennes).Fecundity of Bluegill and Warmouth from a South Carolina Blackwater LakeCOSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the Warmouth Lepomis gulosus in CanadaWar, Politics and Reconstruction. Stormy Days in Louisiana by Henry Clay WarmouthDetection and distribution of salmonellae in the intestine of warmouth (Lepomis gulosus)