英:['wel'fed] 美: [ˈwɛlˈfɛd]
well-fed 基本解释
well-fed[ 'wel'fed ]
adj.properly nourished同义词:well-nourished
well-fed 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- When visiting the kindergarten one cannot help but notice two things about the children, their healthy, well fed appearance and their colourful clothes.
在参观这所幼儿园时,人们必然会注意有关孩子们的两个情况,他们健康而营养充足的面容以及花花绿绿的服装。 - It is not good to our health to be always fed up.
总是吃得过饱不利于健康。 - They lived well, on the proceeds of raids on neighbouring regions.
Well-fedWELL-FED?Central infusion of leptin into well-fed and undernourished ewe lambs: effects on feed intake and serum concentrations of growth hor...Nuclear differentiation and nucleic acid synthesis in well-fed exconjugants of Paramecium aurelia.Infusion of Glucose Directs Circulating Amino Acids to the Mammary Gland in Well-Fed Dairy CowsFemale swordtail fish use chemical cues to select well-fed matesCave Molly Females (Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei) like Well-Fed MalesThe effects of a lengthy period of environmental diversity on well-fed and previously undernourished rats. II. Synapse-to-neuron rat...Cave molly females (
Poecilia mexicana, Poeciliidae, Teleostei) like well-fed malesThe subcellular localization of administered N-acetylneuraminic acid in the brains of well-fed and protein restricted rats