英:['welhəʊl] 美: ['welhoʊl]
wellhole 基本解释
wellhole 相关例句
wellholewellholeThe impact of geological environment on wellhole stabilityThe Automatic List Graphing System of Synthetic WellholeMETHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR WELLHOLE LOGGING UTILIZING RADIO FREQUENCY COMMUNICATIONEffective Wellhole Radius Model for Fractal Reservoir with Spherical Flow and Its Similar Structure of SolutionRheological Property of High Viscous Oil Within Wellhole in Dagang OilfieldAdaptability evaluation of calculation model of annular pressure of deepwater wellholeThe Lake Bosumtwi Impact Crater Drilling Project (BCDP): Lithological Profile of Wellhole BCDP-8A3D Mode l for the Stratified Calculation of Ground Stress and Fracture Criterion of Wellhole Rock