使潮湿,把…弄湿( wet的第三人称单数 );
"drops of wet gleamed on the window"
v.cause to become wetmake one's bed or clothes wet by urinating"This eight year old boy still wets his bed"
adj.covered or soaked with a liquid such as water"a wet bathing suit"; "wet sidewalks"; "wet weather"
containing moisture or volatile components"wet paint"
supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages"a wet candidate running on a wet platform"; "a wet county"
producing or secreting milk"a wet nurse"; "a wet cow"
consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor"a wet cargo"; "a wet canteen"
very drunk同义词:besottedblind drunkblottocrockedcockeyedfuddledloadedpie-eyedpissedpixilatedplasteredpottysloppedsloshedsmashedsoakedsousedsozzledsquiffystifftiddlytiddleytighttipsy
all wet大错特错;胡说;毫无价值
get wet弄湿,湿了;打湿
wet process湿法;湿制程;湿版洗印
wet weather潮湿天气;多雨的天气
wet method湿法;湿磨法
wet blanket扫兴的人;湿毯子;扫兴的事
wet spinning[工]湿纺
wet paint油漆未干
wet strength[造纸]湿强度
wet grinding湿磨法;湿法粉碎
wet steam[物]湿蒸汽
wet blue蓝湿皮;湿蓝皮
wet end湿部
feet wet[军语]我在海洋上空
wet gas湿气;富气
wet weight湿重
got wet弄湿
wet oxidation湿法氧化;湿氧化
wet through湿透了;濡湿
wet season湿季;雨季