Whan 相关例句
Genome-wide analysis of the world's sheep breeds reveals high levels of historic mixture and strong recent selection.The development and application of genetic markers for the Kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicusOne-year Outcome Evaluation after Interspinous Implantation for Degenerative Spinal Stenosis with Segmental InstabilityGenetic mapping of the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus using AFLP markers.A gene duplication affecting expression of the ovine ASIP gene is responsible for white and black sheepGradient-Based Optimization of Custom Circuits Using a Static-Timing Formulation.Accuracy of volume measurement using helical CTAudio conference system with quality-improving features by compensating sensitivities microphones and the method thereofMitochondrial sequence reveals high levels of gene flow between breeds of domestic sheep from Asia and Europe.Management of congenital tracheal stenosis