英:[wæŋ'gi:] 美: [wæŋ'gi]
whangee 基本解释
A Whangee umbrella handleWhangee refers to any of over forty Asian grasses of the genus Phyllostachys, a genus of bamboos. They are a hardy evergreen plant from Japan, China and the Himalayas whose woody stems are sometimes used to make canes and umbrella handles.以上来源于:Wikipedia
whangee 相关例句
Effect of Granule of Whangee Clearing Mind on IL-6,Na~+-K~+-ATP Enzyme and Brain Moisture Capacity in Rats with Brain Hemorrhage Bel...Effect of Boric Acid Addition on the Prehydrolysis of WhangeeEffect of CaCO3 and/or polyaluminium chloride (PAC) treatment on the main components in prehydrolysis liquor of whangee dissolving p...Separation and structural characteristics of lignin in the prehydrolysis liquor of Whangee dissolving pulpStudy on the influence of hardhead whangee on the physical and mechanical properties of composite hollowcore boardNote on the Uses of a commercial Cane termed “Whangee,” a Species of Phyllostachys.Note on the Uses of a commercial Cane termed “Whangee,” a Species of PhyllostachysHangee's or Hungman's Fracture.A Study on Chemical Compositions and Fiber Characteristics of Two Sympodial BamboosSympodial Bamboo - chemical composition and fiber characteristics